


2024-03-20   2211

尊龙凯时人生就是博滚装现已开通“中国—波湾”“中国—东南亚”“中国—红海”“中国—南美”“中国—墨西哥”等国际滚装航线,投入自有汽车滚装船5艘 。


    Our advantages


Owned By Central Enterprise


尊龙凯时人生就是博滚装是尊龙凯时人生就是博局集团旗下航运营业板块中从事滚装运输的专业化公司,是A股上市公司尊龙凯时人生就是博汽船的控股子公司 。尊龙凯时人生就是博汽船现在已启动2+4艘 ceu(标准车位)甲醇双燃料pctc(汽车滚装运输船)新造船妄想 。

China Merchants ShenZhen Ro-Ro Shipping Co.,Ltd. ("CMRORO") is a specialized company engaged in ro-ro transportation in the shipping business sector of China Merchants Group. It is a holding subsidiary of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd. ("CMES Shipping") , an A-share listed company.CMES Shipping has launched a new plan for the construction of a pair of  methanol dual-fuel pure car and truck carriers plus optional for four more.


Leading Domestic Comprehensive Logistics Services

尊龙凯时人生就是博滚装是中国涉足滚装运输时间最早的滚装物流企业,也是海内较早开展国际滚装运输营业的企业 。近洋航线曾达日本、新西兰、南非、东南亚、西亚等地,2011年已实现江海洋联运、内外贸无缝对接 。滚装航线已笼罩长江、沿海和远洋 。

CMRORO is the earliest ro-ro logistics company in China, and it is also an early domestic company that launched international ro-ro transportation business. The offshore routes have reached Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Southeast Asia, West Asia and other places. In 2011, river-ocean combined transport and seamless connection of domestic and foreign trade have been realized. The ro-ro routes have covered the Yangtze River, China's coastal and ocean.


在运营长江航线、中国沿海航线基础上,加速外贸航线结构,现在已开通波斯湾、东南亚、红海、南美、墨西哥等国际滚装航线,逐步建设起江、海、洋全程联运的滚装物流网络 。

On the basis of operating the Ro-Ro logistics business along the Yangtze River and China's coastal, CMRORO has accelerated the layout of international shipping routes. So far, CMRORO has opened international ro-ro shipping routes to the Persian Gulf, Thailand's Linchaban, and the Red Sea, and gradually established a ro-ro logistics network for river, sea, and ocean integrated transportation.


依附多年来积累的谋划治理履历知识和规模优势,提供越发清静、便捷、高效的综合运输效劳,为客户创立价值 。通过数字化监控系统应用、对海员及相关装卸职员的专业化培训等,包管汽车在途运输质量,控制质损 。

With years of experience and knowledge in business management and scale advantages, we will provide more safe, convenient and efficient comprehensive transportation services to create value for customers. Through the application of digital monitoring system and professional training for crew members and relevant loading and unloading personnel, the quality of vehicle transportation in transit is guaranteed and the quality loss is controlled.


凭证客户需求,提供个性化定制效劳 。除现有航线外,可探索美洲、非洲、地中海等航线的相助 。

We provide customized services according to customer needs. In addition to the existing routes, we can also promote cooperation on routes in the Americas, Africa, Mediterranean, etc.


Direct Routes


国际滚装航线直达,时效快,交付周期短 。

The international ro-ro routes directly reach the port of destination , which is fast in efficiency and short in delivery cycle.


Business Collaboration


协同业内偕行、尊龙凯时人生就是博局集团全球口岸网络资源及尊龙凯时人生就是博汽船旗下香港明华的多用途/灵便型船队、外运集运旗下的集装箱船队等,配合研究相助开展汽车出口运输营业 。

Together with peers in the industry, China Merchants Group's global port network resources, the multi-purpose/handysize fleet of Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping Co., Ltd. ("HKMW") under CMES Shipping, and the container fleet under Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd (Sinolines), etc., we jointly study and cooperate to carry out automobile export transportation business.


Cntact Us


Address:24/F, Coastal City West Tower, Hai De San Dao, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China


